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API documentation
Method Request cost, units Returned result cost, units
download-all-backlinks 0 1
download-all-backlinks-status 0 1
get-backlinks 0 1
get-inlink-rank 0 30
get-metrics 0 30
get-new-lost-backlinks 0 1
get-new-lost-backlinks-count 0 30
get-new-lost-refdomains 0 1
get-new-lost-refdomains-count 0 30
get-raw-backlinks 0 1
get-refdomains 0 1

SEO PowerSuite Backlink API

We use a state-of-the-art crawling engine to build and maintain one of the largest commercially available backlink databases. Our goal is to supply marketing professionals with comprehensive backlink research at a reasonable price point.

The data set

With over a dozen backlink parameters, our index is built to accommodate any number of use cases, whether you want to view your entire backlink profile, pull a few stats for a quick insight, or do anything in-between:
  • Referring page address
  • Referring page title
  • Page InLink Rank
  • Domain InLink Rank *
  • Anchor text *
  • Dofollow/Nofollow
  • Target page authority
  • New/lost backlinks
  • Number of referring domains
  • Number of backlinks
  • Number of .edu domains
  • Number of .gov domains
* Similar to Google's PageRank and Moz's Page Authority, we've developed our own formula to calculate the weight of the page and, consequently, the weight of the links from the page.

Use cases for backlink data

Competition analysis
Backlink profiles of your competitors can tell the full story of their marketing strategy, business partnerships, and market share.
Content ideation
It's easy to spot popular content ideas when you know the exact number of backlinks pointing to any page of any website.
Keyword research
Your chances of ranking for any given keyword depend on the authority of the websites you are competing against.
Ad placement
Follow the flow of backlinks to find popular websites in your niche and place your links, content, and promos.
Campaign monitoring
Successful campaigns lead to a spike in backlinks. Track the growth of your profile and see if it matches your marketing effort.
Website comparison
A quick way to evaluate a website is by looking at its authority, i.e. the number of high-quality incoming links.
Non-profit projects
We will supply our data free of charge for academic research or other non-profit projects.
White label usage
Our partners use SEO PowerSuite Backlink API to power their own tools and are allowed to re-sell our data within their software and client reports. We can afford a price that's way below market average, which means there is plenty of margin left for you to make a profit.



No hidden costs, no multipliers, no sorting fees — no surprises. You are charged per results fetched, end of story.
Ask for a custom pricing plan
* Different API method requests and results returned consume a different number of API units. Check out the table below for API units consumption and look through the API documentation for a detailed method description.

Request Trial

  • Interested in using our index for SEO research?
  • Need larger volumes?
  • Looking for data to power your own app?
Let us know and we'll find a custom pricing solution to match your needs.

Learn more about Backlink API