Google Algo Updates

SEO blog & news hand-picked by editors from the SEO PowerSuite team. Observe Google algorithm updates and be ready for tomorrow's SEO. Learn and discuss with a community of SEO enthusiasts. Join us free today!

Must Read on Google Algo Updates

Ranking factors change as the search algorithm evolves. Let's have a look at what to consider as ranking factors in 2022 and what myths to leave behind.
Volha Belakurskaya
Sep 21, 2020
The SEO's Cheat Sheet
Google rolls out algorithm updates once or twice every month (and that's just the ones we know about!), but not all of them have an equally strong impact on the SERPs. To help you make sense of Google's major algo changes in the past years, I've put up an up-to-date cheat sheet with the most important updates and penalties rolled out in the recent years.
Tatiana Tsyulia
Nov 04, 2021
Google's ranking factors are soon to include three new metrics: page speed, interactivity, and stability, known jointly as Core Web Vitals.
Andrei Prakharevich
Jul 11, 2022
Expertise, Authority, and Trust (E-A-T) has long been a controversial SEO topic, so here is the final, fact-based answer on whether it is a ranking factor.
Andrei Prakharevich
Jul 13, 2022
Just like most Google algorithm updates, RankBrain is shrouded in mystery. The truth is, RankBrain is one of the most essential parts of Google's core algorithm and machine learning system that the search engine uses to offer improved search results. In this article, you'll receive answers to the most frequently asked questions, including how RankBrain actually works, how it changed SEO, and how to optimize for it.
Aleksandra Pautaran
Apr 16, 2021

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Link building has never been so challenging and contradicting as it is today. - You need backlinks to make your site rank. - You fear of wrong backlinks that put your site at risk of Google's penalty. To keep your link-building effective yet penalty safe, you need to instantly identify and neutralize any harmful links in your profile.
Katherine Stepanova
Jul 22, 2022
Back in 2017, Google Lens and Pinterest Lens were launched. Around the same time, ASOS Style Match application was brought to life. Differing in the offered functionality, those apps had a major common feature. They allowed users to snap or upload an image of an object and get the info about it or recommendations on similar objects. All those apps played a bet on visual search. And it appeared to be something people have long anticipated. Bing, Amazon, eBay, and dozens of smaller companies joined the club bringing consumers' experience to a new level. So probably, it's high time to keep an eye on visual search.
Volha Belakurskaya
Jul 22, 2022
We did some research to see if AMP is the future of the user-first web and if you have to rush and convert your webpages to AMP.
Andrei Prakharevich
Jul 20, 2022
A few weeks ago Google officially announced that HTTPS would now become a ranking signal, meaning that websites using secure encryption may get a certain boost in Google rankings. For now HTTPS is said to be a "lightweight signal", given less importance than numerous other quality factors, but Google admits it may become stronger over time.
Katherine Stepanova
Jul 20, 2022
A major change in Google's local search happened on Thursday, August 6th — a new way of listing local businesses in search results was rolled out, changing the previous "local 7-pack", where seven local businesses were featured, to a trimmed "local 3-pack" view. And while the SEO industry is shaken up with lots of polar opinions on how the change will influence local visibility and traffic, we've put up a short guide to help you make sense of the update and adjust your SEO strategy.
Katherine Stepanova
Jul 18, 2022
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