BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Datafloq - ECPv6.3.4//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Datafloq X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Datafloq REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Amsterdam BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 TZNAME:CEST DTSTART:20240331T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:CET DTSTART:20241027T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240529T210000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240531T180000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110131 CREATED:20240224T053530Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240224T060245Z SUMMARY:The AI Summit Singapore DESCRIPTION:THE AI SUMMIT SINGAPORE LANDS AT ATxSG! \nWe're beyond excited to announce that\, this year\, The AI Summit Singapore is joining the line-up of events at ATxEnterprise (part of Asia Tech x Singapore).' \nArtificial Intelligence is THE agenda\, so expect three days of visionary speakers\, fruitful networking and actionable takeaways\, as well as a bustling expo floor showing off cutting-edge AI tech.' \n \nBeyond intelligence: The APAC AI revolution starts here.\n \nMark your calendars and prepare to be at the forefront of the APAC AI revolution! The AI Summit Singapore at ATx Enterprise is part of Asia Tech x Singapore – the region's flagship tech festival. Join industry leaders to explore the vast potential of AI for businesses across the region. This exclusive event is your chance to discover emerging trends\, converse with peers\, and capitalise on the opportunities offered by AI.' \nHead to the emerging tech hub of Singapore this May to uncover unparalleled opportunities to expand your network. The Summit goes beyond in-depth discussions\, with our speakers offering actionable insights into staying ahead with AI: from best practice tips to strategies for scaling; rolling out secure deployments to resource and talent considerations. A big focus will also be navigating the path to safe\, responsible\, and ethical AI.' \nHosted in collaboration with partners from the AI\, IoT\, and Quantum Computing realms\, this summit provides an extraordinary chance to network with leaders shaping the landscape of transformative technology. Join us in shaping the future – where commercial AI comes to life!' \nWhat stages are available?\n \n\nAI at Scale: Gear up for AI domination on the AI at Scale track\, where leaders conquer scaling challenges from data quality to regulatory mazes.\nAI Industry Applications: Unlock industry success with AI on the AI Industry Applications track\, discovering sector-specific solutions. Turn challenges into growth opportunities and make your industry the next AI triumph.\nSafeguarding AI: Master safe AI practices on the Safeguarding AI track\, tackling risks\, ethics\, and regulations. Let's build a trustworthy AI ecosystem together.\nAI Frontiers: Explore the future of AI on the AI Frontiers track\, with cutting-edge innovations in NLP\, quantum AI\, and more. Stay ahead – the future of AI is now.\nQuantum Summit: Dive into the world of quantum at the Quantum Summit\, gaining game-changing insights in cryptography\, drug discovery\, and climate modeling. Be part of the quantum revolution.\nIoT World: Join the IoT World track for a tech fusion where IoT meets AI\, Edge Computing\, 5G\, and Blockchain. Witness the future of digital connectivity and stay ahead in the IoT world. URL: LOCATION:Singapore\, Singapore city\, Singapore ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240604T210000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240605T170000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110132 CREATED:20231218T024710Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231218T024739Z SUMMARY:CDAO Canada Public Sector 2024 DESCRIPTION:Join us for the highly anticipated Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO)\, Canada Public Sector\, taking place on June 4-5\, 2024\, in Ottawa\, Canada' \nSpeakers will share insights into the solutions needed to deal with the most pressing challenges facing the data & analytics community in the Canadian Government and Public Sector.' \nData & analytics are constantly evolving and require your team to be agile in every way possible. Discover the latest trends and solutions providers to help you and your team to navigate unchartered territory.' \nA unique opportunity to interact with industry leaders\, influential technologists\, and data scientists paving the way in the data and analytics space. Learn from & connect with 100+ industry innovators sharing best practices and advice to improve data and analytics strategy \nWho should attend:' \n\nCDAOs\, CDOs\, CAOs\, CTOs\, CIOs\, CEOs\nData Scientists\nData Engineers\nData & Analytics Leaders\n\n \nWhat to expect:' \n\n40+ speakers\nPanel Discussions\nDiscussion Groups\nAccess to presentation slides\nDiscover technology shaping the future\n\n \nTo register\, visit: Use promo code: DATAFLOQ for 30% discount' \n#CDAOCANADAPS' \n  URL: LOCATION:Ottawa\, Canada – TBD ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240605T203000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240606T153000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110133 CREATED:20231221T020242Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231221T020327Z SUMMARY:Cyber Security & Cloud Congress North America 2024 DESCRIPTION:Join us again at the Cyber Security & Cloud Congress North America on June 5-6\, 2024\, and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity and cloud technology.' \nTaking place at Santa Clara Convention Centre\, California\, this is a technology event and conference for the ambitious enterprise technology professional\, seeking to explore the latest innovations\, implementations\, and strategies to drive your businesses forward.' \nGain valuable insights from industry leaders\, network with experts\, and discover cutting-edge solutions to safeguard your organization's digital assets.' \nDon't miss this premier event to enhance your knowledge\, expand your professional network\, and ensure your organization's resilience in the face of emerging cyber threats.' \nWhat are the additional benefits you won't want to miss?' \n– VIP Networking Party' \n– Over 250 speakers' \n– Over 250 exhibitors showcasing the latest technology products and solutions' \n– 7 co-located events (AI & Big Data\, IoT\, Unified Communications\, Digital Transformation\, Edge Computing\, Cyber Security & Cloud and Intelligent Automation)' \n– 7\,000 attendees – 76% directory level' \nFind out more about the event and book your ticket here: \n  URL: LOCATION:Santa Clara Convention Centre\, 5001 Great America Pkwy\, Santa Clara\, Santa Clara\, California\, 95054\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240605T203000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240606T163000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110134 CREATED:20240116T003106Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240116T003106Z SUMMARY:Unified Communications Conference North America DESCRIPTION:The upcoming co-located TechEx event series\, featuring Unified Communications Conference\, is scheduled to take place on June 5-6\, 2024\, in Santa Clara\, California. Hosted in the heart of Silicon Valley\, the event provides a conducive environment for meaningful engagement and collaboration.' \nThe Unified Communications Conference North America will delve into essential topics such as Future Work\, User Experience (UX) Business Applications Integration\, Communication Platforms\, Workplace Collaboration and Security & Compliance. This event aims to explore the latest advancements and opportunities within the realm of Unified Communication.' \nAttendees will enjoy access to the Unified Communications Conference\, the expo floor\, and free tracks from collocated events\, providing a well-rounded experience for technology enthusiasts. The expo is tailored specifically for B2B engagement\, targeting directors and senior managers as its primary audience. This exclusive event provides attendees with the opportunity to delve into cutting-edge technologies\, forge connections with key industry figures\, and remain at the forefront of innovation.' \nWhat's more\, as a collocated event\, the Unified Communications Conference will converge with the TechEx event series\, offering attendees a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of Unified Communications alongside other cutting-edge technology domains including Cyber Security & Cloud\, AI & Big Data\, IoT\, Intelligent Automation\, Digital Transformations and Edge Computing. URL: LOCATION:Santa Clara Convention Centre\, 5001 Great America Pkwy\, Santa Clara\, Santa Clara\, California\, 95054\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240605T210000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240606T160000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110135 CREATED:20231221T015122Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231221T015148Z SUMMARY:AI and Big Data Expo North America 2024 DESCRIPTION:Book your free conference and expo ticket to AI and Big Data Expo North America 2024.' \nJoin us for one of the most anticipated technology events of the year\, the AI and Big Data Expo North America 2024\, taking place from 5-6 June at the Santa Clara Convention Center\, California. Immerse yourself in a dynamic environment where innovation converges with industry leaders\, cutting-edge technologies\, and invaluable insights.' \nEvent Highlights:' \n\n7 Co-Located Events:\n\n \nDive into a comprehensive exploration of AI and Big Data with seven co-located events\, each tailored to provide in-depth insights into specific aspects of these transformative technologies.' \n\n7\,000+ Attendees:\n\n \nNetwork with over 7\,000 professionals\, thought leaders\, and enthusiasts from around the globe. Exchange ideas\, collaborate\, and forge connections that will shape the future of AI and Big Data.' \n\n250+ Speakers:\n\n \nGain profound knowledge from 250+ industry experts and visionaries who will share their insights\, experiences\, and forecasts. Be inspired by thought-provoking keynotes and panel discussions from companies such as Google\, NASA\, Ford\, LinkedIn\, Amazon and many more!' \n\nSenior level attendees:\n\n \nElevate your networking experience as 73% of attendees hold director-level positions or higher. Engage with decision-makers and influencers\, fostering meaningful connections for future collaborations.' \n\nThematic Tracks:\n\n \nExplore thematic tracks covering Enterprise AI\, Machine Learning\, Security\, Ethical AI\, Deep Learning\, Data Ecosystems\, and NLP and more. Tailor your experience to align with your specific interests and professional goals.' \nYour in-person ticket will also grant you access to the co-located events exploring IoT Tech\, Intelligent Automation\, Cyber Security & Cloud\, Unified Communications\, Edge Computing and Digital Transformation! Book yours here: \nExplore the Co-located AI & Big Data Expo conference agendas here covering Enterprise AI\, Applied Digital\, Data & AI\, Optimised Data & Analytics\, and Transformational AI here: \n#aiandbigdataexpo #AI #BigData #Innovation' \n  URL: LOCATION:Santa Clara Convention Center\, 5001 Great America Pkwy\,\, Santa Clara\, CA 95054\, United States\, Santa Clara Convention Center\, 5001 Great America Pkwy\,\, Santa Clara\, CA 95054\, US ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: GEO:37.4042236;-121.9755306 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Santa Clara Convention Center 5001 Great America Pkwy Santa Clara CA 95054 United States Santa Clara Convention Center 5001 Great America Pkwy Santa Clara CA 95054 US;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=Santa Clara Convention Center\, 5001 Great America Pkwy\,:geo:-121.9755306,37.4042236 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240605T210000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240606T160000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110136 CREATED:20240111T101220Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240111T101220Z SUMMARY:Intelligent Automation Conference North America DESCRIPTION:Join us in the Santa Clara Convention Centre\, CA on June 5-6\, 2024 to hear from the leading speakers representing the Intelligent Automation sector.' \nExplore the forefront of Intelligent Automation and network with senior IA professionals & transform your operations. Learn more about creating unbiased algorithyms\, future trends\, RPA\, Cognitive Automation and more!' \nEvent Highlights:' \n\n7 Co-Located Events:\n\n \nDive into a comprehensive exploration of Intelligent Automation with seven co-located events\, each tailored to provide in-depth insights into specific aspects of these transformative technologies.' \n\n7\,000+ Attendees:\n\n \nNetwork with over 7\,000 professionals\, thought leaders\, and enthusiasts from around the globe. Exchange ideas\, collaborate\, and forge connections that will shape the future of Intelligent Automation.' \n\n250+ Speakers:\n\n \nGain profound knowledge from 250+ industry experts and visionaries who will share their insights\, experiences\, and forecasts. Be inspired by thought-provoking keynotes and panel discussions from companies such as Google\, NASA\, Ford\, LinkedIn\, Amazon and many more!' \n\nSenior level attendees:\n\n \nElevate your networking experience as 73% of attendees hold director-level positions or higher. Engage with decision-makers and influencers\, fostering meaningful connections for future collaborations.' \n\nThematic Tracks:\n\n \nExplore thematic tracks covering a range of topics and tailor your experience to align with your specific interests and professional goals.' \nThis conference is not to be missed! \nYour ticket will also grant you access to the co-located events exploring Unified Communications Conference World Series\, Cyber Security & Cloud Expo World Series\, AI & Big Data Expo\, IoT Tech Expo\, Edge Computing Expo and Digital Transformation Week!' \n ‘ \n ‘ \n  URL: LOCATION:Santa Clara Convention Centre\, 5001 Great America Pkwy\, Santa Clara\, Santa Clara\, California\, 95054\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240605T210000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240606T170000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110137 CREATED:20231221T020530Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231221T020555Z SUMMARY:IoT Tech Expo North America DESCRIPTION:IoT Tech Expo is returning to Santa Clara\, California!' \nSecure your spot at the forefront of IoT innovation by booking your conference and expo ticket for IoT Tech Expo North America. Uncover the latest advancements across diverse sectors such as Manufacturing\, Transport\, Health\, Logistics\, Government\, Energy\, and Automotive. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a cutting-edge conference on June 5-6\, 2024\, at the Santa Clara Convention Centre in CA\, where leading experts in the Internet of Things sector will share their insights.' \nYour ticket not only provides access to this transformative event but also unlocks entry to co-located sessions delving into Intelligent Automation\, Cyber Security & Cloud\, Unified Communications\, AI & Big Data Expo\, Edge Computing Expo\, and Digital Transformation.' \nReserve your tickets now at and be a part of the future of IoT!' \n#IoTTechExpo #IoT #data #InternetofThings URL: LOCATION:Santa Clara Convention Centre\, 5001 Great America Pkwy\, Santa Clara\, Santa Clara\, California\, 95054\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240612 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240614 DTSTAMP:20240531T110138 CREATED:20240320T061259Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240320T061259Z SUMMARY:Data Management Marathon 7.0 DESCRIPTION:Register:′ \nA collaboration between ThinkLinkers and Scott Taylor – The Data Whisperer\, born out of love for Data and knowledge sharing\, we are excited to present the Data Management Marathon 7.0.' \nThere is one Marathon where Data Management professionals come together\, spar with ideas\, discuss wins\, losses\, lessons learned and after 2 days of discussions\, they go home with a newfound sense they are in the same boat.' \nIt is the only Marathon for every Data Lover\, so if you love Data\, put on your Data shoes and get ready!' \nPeople. Business. Technology.' \nKey Topics' \n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow to Enhance MDM by Using RPA\nThe Importance of Good Data Quality for Analytics Projects\nChange Management in Data\nData Democratization and 360 Platforms\nThe Financial Impact of Data Governance on Organizations\nHow to Be Successful in Data Migration?\nData Quality as a part of every Data Professional's DNA\nSuccess = People\, Culture and Technology\nPanel Discussion: Why Do Data Management Initiatives Fail? \nTreat Your Data As You Would Treat Your Money\n\n\n\n\nSuccessful Data Governance Builds on Culture and Communication\nData Storytelling: Moving from Theory to Practical Implementation\nHow do you define value for a Data Governance program or what makes the Data Program valuable?\nTrust Issues with Data? Tips and Tricks to Overcome This Challenge\nData Governance Implementation Stories: How? Why? Discussing Different Models and Approaches to DG URL: ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240612T203000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240613T183000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110139 CREATED:20240130T004026Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240130T004026Z SUMMARY:Insurance Tech & Innovation Conference DESCRIPTION:Transforming your insurance business has become crucial in today's competitive landscape!' \nTo keep pace with the competition\, insurance companies need to transform at a rapid speed. So we are organizing the Insurance Tech & Innovation Conference on June 12 – 13\, 2024 in Chicago\, USA to help you travel this transformation journey. This conference will bring 300+ insurance industry decision-makers together in person\, both men and women\, to learn lessons and forge strategies.' \nThe evolving scenarios have prompted insurance companies to break traditional barriers and come up with new ideas to revamp their businesses.' \nInsurTech's rise has introduced innovative business models\, strategies\, and advanced technologies\, propelling your digital transformation journey forward. All of the leading insurance companies have started to reimagine their businesses\, both internally and externally\, to meet the changing needs of their customers. These days\, the only way to lead the market is by accelerating technology & digital transformations that can meet the needs of a world in crisis.' \nYou'll witness interactive sessions\, anecdotal presentations\, and engaging panel discussions at this two-day in-person event!' \nThe conference will cover topics like Insurance 2030: Fueling the Insurance World with Technologies\, Emerging Technologies Transforming the Insurance Landscape\, Regulatory Compliance and Data Protection in insurtech\, Customer-Centricity in Insurance: Personalization and On-Demand Coverage\, Interactive Workshops on AI\, Blockchain\, and Data Analytics in Insurance\, Blockchain Applications for Trust and Efficiency in Insurance\, Use Case: Telematics and IoT in Insurance\, Need for Technological Resilience in the Face of Uninsurable Risks\, and more.' \nThe attendee mix will observe CIOs\, CTOs\, CEOs\, VPs\, Directors\, Heads\, and managers from the insurance domain including brokers/agents\, retail agents\, claim adjusters\, underwriters\, and actuaries. Our past conference included companies like Nationwide\, State Farm Insurance\, Berkshire Hathaway Insurance\, Progressive Insurance\, Chubb Insurance\, Liberty Mutual Insurance\, USAA Insurance\, and many more.' \nThis conference will help you build your network with some of the US insurance industry's most influential leaders!' \nAttendees can register for the conference at;' \n URL: LOCATION:TBD\, TBD\, TBD\, TBD\, TBD\, United Arab Emirates ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240618 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240619 DTSTAMP:20240531T110140 CREATED:20240426T021618Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240426T021618Z SUMMARY:Data Science Salon NYC DESCRIPTION:Data Science Salon NYC is an annual one-day 150 person conference focused on AI and machine learning applications in finance & technology. The intimate event takes place at the S&P Global HQ in New York\, NY and brings local industry leaders and specialists face-to-face to educate each other on innovative solutions in artificial intelligence\, machine learning\, predictive analytics and acceptance around best practices. You will see a mix of use-cases\, technical talks and panel conversations\, and you will walk away with actionable insights from those working on the frontlines of machine learning in finance & technology.' \nWHY ATTEND THE DSS NYC EXPERIENCE?\n\nMeet and connect with the most diverse community in the space\nImprove your data skills in 15+ engaging sessions\, including use-cases\, technical deep dives\, and panel conversations\nLearn from practitioners\, technical experts and executives what AI and machine learning mean to finance & technology\nAsk expert speakers questions in live Q&A sessions\nWalk away with actionable insights from those working on the frontlines of ML in finance & technology URL: LOCATION:S&P Global HQ\, 55 Water St\, NY\, New York\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240624T120000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240625T120000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110140 CREATED:20240126T014310Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240126T014310Z SUMMARY:InfoQ Dev Summit Boston DESCRIPTION:InfoQ Dev Summit Boston (June 24-25\, 2024) is a two-day conference focusing on the critical software priorities senior dev teams face today. Learn transformative insights from 20+ senior software developers on how senior developers are solving similar challenges to impact your immediate development roadmap. Build connections with a senior developer community and unwind at social events.' \nWhy Attend InfoQ Dev Summit Boston 2024?' \n\nLearn Actionable advice focused on today's dev priorities.\nTechnical talks from senior developers. Get practical advice to make development decisions easier and less risky.\nPractitioner-curated topics. Maximize your ROI with an agenda curated by senior developers on current dev challenges.\n‘We Care' experience. An inclusive and safe place with a strict code of conduct.\nNo sponsor agenda. Zero hidden marketing or sales pitches. Just talks you can trust on relatable topics.\nMeet new people\, meet old friends. Connect with speakers and peers during breaks and at social activities.\n\n Early bird savings and team discounts are available until February 13th. For teams of three or more attending from the same company\, email\, mentioning the group size\, to receive a personalized discount.' \nThe InfoQ Dev Summit creates a unique opportunity for senior software developers to learn transformative insights that will directly impact their immediate development roadmap and decision-making processes.' \nPlease feel free to contact us with any questions at URL: LOCATION:Boston University\, George Sherman Union\, 775 Commonwealth Ave\, Boston\, MA\, 02215\, George Sherman Union\, 775 Commonwealth Ave\, Boston\, MA\, 02215\, Boston\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240625T200000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240626T160000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110141 CREATED:20231210T082106Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231210T082106Z SUMMARY:#DMWF Global (Digital Marketing World Forum) DESCRIPTION:#DMWF heads to take over Olympia National\, London as we bring you the best event yet! The definitive event for marketing professionals and the future of marketing tech is a must-see conference and exhibition\, bringing together the brightest minds in digital marketing. 2\,500+ senior marketing professionals from the world's most reputable brands will come together to delve into diverse marketing subjects. The event will serve as a platform to highlight the newest technologies\, strategies\, ideas\, and solutions in the industry.' \n#DMWF Global will focus on key themes including; CRM\, Email\, AI\, Marketing Cloud\, Data\, Insights\, Automation\, Performance Marketing\, Social Media\, Digital Transformation\, Communications\, Leadership\, Brand Strategy\, UX\, CX\, eCommerce\, Affiliates\, Influencer\, Web Design\, Video\, Personalisation\, Community Strategies\, Platforms\, SEO\, PPC\, Mobile Marketing\, Creators\, Video\, Content\, AR & VR and so much more!' \nThe unrivalled content will inspire\, inform\, and support marketers in being the best they can be! Over 120 inspiring speakers will be sharing their expertise across 10 brand new conference topics:' \n\nData\, CRM & Insights\nDigital Transformation & Leadership\nContent Marketing & Video\nSocial Media & Community Marketing\nCustomer Experience\, Email & Automation\neCommerce & Omnichannel Marketing\nMobile Marketing & Advertising\nDigital Brand & Communication Strategy\nInfluencer Marketing World\nAI & Marketing Automation\n\n \n#DMWF prides itself on its global brand speaker line-up and has united thought leaders from world renowned brands such as Google\, Microsoft\, Cond Nast\, Sony\, Volvo\, American Express\, TikTok\, YouTube\, Bacardi\, LinkedIn\, Vinted\, Vodafone\, GSK\, Lego\, Tommy Hilfiger\, and so many more. There is something for everyone at the Digital Marketing World Forum.' \nSee here for our current speaker line-up – \nWe have a range of sponsorship opportunities available which include 1-2-1 introductions\, speaking opportunities in-person & virtually\, guaranteed lead generation and content promotion. For more information contact the team today on and join our growing sponsorship community.' \nHere's everything you can gain with our Two Days All-Access Pass:' \n\nUnrivalled conference topics: CRM\, Email\, AI\, Marketing Cloud\, Data\, Insights\, Automation\, Performance Marketing\, Social Media\, Digital Transformation\, Communications\, Leadership\, Brand Strategy\, UX\, CX\, eCommerce\, Affiliates\, Influencer\, Web Design\, Video\, Personalisation\, Community Strategies\, Platforms\, SEO\, PPC\, Mobile Marketing\, Creators\, Video\, Content\, AR & VR and so much more!\n120+ speakers: We're working on bringing you the best line-up up to date\, delivering educational sessions on the hottest topics in the industry.\nNetwork with 2500+ Senior Marketing Professionals\, dissecting the knowledge of like-minded individuals\, in-person and via our dedicated networking tool.\n130+ Exhibitors: Meet our market-defining solution providers at the event who will showcase the latest innovation in the industry.\nNetworking Party: Connect and network with our sponsors\, speakers and like-minded marketing professionals at our unmissable networking party!\nFull access to our exhibition floor\nFull access to conference and networking app\n\n \nFor more information on #DMWF Global 2024\, including details of how to attend\, speak\, exhibit or sponsor\, please visit \nRegister today and become part of a community with 2\,500+ experienced marketing leaders worldwide. Gain inspiration\, elevate your marketing strategy\, and engage with pioneers shaping the future of digital marketing.' \nSee you there! URL: LOCATION:London Olympia\, London\, United Kingdom\, London Olympia\, London\, GB ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: GEO:51.4963569;-0.2107644 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=London Olympia London United Kingdom London Olympia London GB;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=London Olympia:geo:-0.2107644,51.4963569 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240627 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240628 DTSTAMP:20240531T110142 CREATED:20240224T053036Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240224T053118Z SUMMARY:The MarTech Summit Jakarta DESCRIPTION:The MarTech Summit is coming to Jakarta for the second time\, bringing together some of the brightest minds and most innovative companies in the industry. With insightful panel discussions\, fireside chats\, thought-provoking keynote presentations\, and interactive roundtables\, you will leave the summit equipped with the latest tools and strategies to elevate your marketing efforts. This summit will provide a unique platform for the likes of CMOs\, Heads\, Directors etc to network\, learn and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of MarTech.'\n– – – – – – -‘\nThis summit is designed for senior level executives in functions such as:'\nMarketing & Technology | Customer Experience (CX) & Engagement | Brand Loyalty & Retention | Data & Consumer Insights | E-commerce Marketing | Digital Strategy | Omnichannel | Innovation | Social Media | Content Strategy & Storytelling | CRM | Product Marketing | Automation | Digital Transformation & Growth | Digital Experience | Information Technology | SEO & SEM URL: LOCATION:Jakarta ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240709 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240710 DTSTAMP:20240531T110143 CREATED:20240224T053240Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240224T060237Z SUMMARY:The MarTech Summit Hong Kong DESCRIPTION:In this fast-paced and rapidly evolving environment\, it is more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve and navigate the headwinds that come with change. This year's MarTech Summit Hong Kong\, we come with brand new speaker line-up and an agenda filled with panel discussions\, fireside chats\, keynote presentations & more!' \nA guaranteed 85% attendance of people in senior leadership roles\, ensuring you will learn and network with the likes of C-suites\, Heads\, Directors\, etc.' \n– – – – – – -‘\nThis summit is designed for Senior-Level executives in functions such as:'\nMarketing & Technology | Customer Experience (CX) & Engagement | Data & Consumer Insights | E-commerce Marketing | Digital Strategy | Innovation | Social Media | Content Strategy & Storytelling | CRM | Performance Marketing | Automation | Digital Transformation | Metaverse | Gamification' \nAlthough we have general themes\, each summit agenda is entirely different from one another\, both in sessions and speakers.' \nVenue: Grand Ballroom (Lower Level I)\, Kowloon Shangri-La \nAddress: 64 Mody Road\, Tsim Sha Tsui\, Kowloon\, Hong Kong URL: LOCATION:Kowloon Shangri-la ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240828T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240829T160000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110144 CREATED:20240305T183443Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240514T123415Z SUMMARY:The Business Show Asia 2024 DESCRIPTION:Asia's largest business show is back for 2024\, returning to Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre on the 28th & 29th of August! The Business Show Asia will help SMEs and startups grow and develop with a focus on getting Asia back to business by disclosing the secrets of business innovation and adaptation.\n\nBuilt from the ground up to equip\, educate and encourage the small businesses and entrepreneurs of the world\, The Business Show gathers and showcases the knowledge and services of hundreds of business experts and leaders. Jam-packed with everything an entrepreneur or small business needs to succeed in 2024\, with a mind-boggling 250 exhibitors\, 150 inspiring seminars and unmissable masterclasses.\n\nMeet over 250 industry-leading exhibitors showcasing all the latest products and services needed to take your business to the next level. Whether you need help with your website and advertising your business\, want to learn the latest in HR and recruitment or find the latest products to help keep your business safety\, we've got you covered.\n\nOur interactive masterclasses are your opportunity to receive mentoring and education from industry experts in close quarters. Reinforce your knowledge from the show\, with masterclasses covering everything from financing your business and setting up trademarks to finding the right property and marketing.\n\nThere is no better way to connect with the leaders in your industry. Whether you want to discuss new ideas and business tips or find out about sourcing and selling the latest products\, the support will be there for you to venture forward confidently\, effectively\, and fully equipped for the challenge ahead.\n\nThe industry's most influential figures are stepping up to deliver keynote sessions\, covering everything from the trends driving the industry\, to building your brand online! Listen in as top tips and tricks are revealed\, providing you with a wealth of new knowledge to feed into your business. Register for your free ticket here: URL: LOCATION:Sands Expo & Convention Centre\, 10 Bayfront Ave\, Singapore 018956\, 10 Bayfront Ave\, Singapore 018956\, APAC\, 018956\, Singapore ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240917T210000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240919T170000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110144 CREATED:20231218T024905Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231218T030258Z SUMMARY:CDAO Government 2024 DESCRIPTION:Join us for the highly anticipated Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO)\, Government\, taking place on September 17-19\, 2024\, at Convene\, in Washington D.C.!' \nSpeakers will share insights into the solutions needed to deal with the most pressing challenges facing the data & analytics community in the Government and Public Sector.' \nData & analytics are constantly evolving and require your team to be agile in every way possible. Discover the latest trends and solutions providers to help you and your team to navigate unchartered territory.' \nA unique opportunity to interact with industry leaders\, influential technologists\, and data scientists paving the way in the data and analytics space. Learn from & connect with 100+ industry innovators sharing best practices and advice to improve data and analytics strategy \nWho should attend:' \n\nCDAOs\, CDOs\, CAOs\, CTOs\, CIOs\, CEOs\nData Scientists\nData Engineers\nData & Analytics Leaders\n\n \nWhat to expect:' \n\n40+ speakers\nPanel Discussions\nDiscussion Groups\nAccess to presentation slides\nDiscover technology shaping the future\n\n \nTo register\, visit: Use promo code: DATAFLOQ for 30% discount.' \n#CDAOGov' \n  URL: LOCATION:Washington D.C. – TBD ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240918 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240919 DTSTAMP:20240531T110145 CREATED:20240426T021716Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240426T021716Z SUMMARY:Data Science Salon Miami DESCRIPTION:Data Science Salon Miami is an annual one-day 250 person conference focused on using generative AI and machine learning in the enterprise. The intimate event curates data science sessions to bring industry leaders and specialists face-to-face to educate each other on innovative solutions in artificial intelligence\, machine learning\, predictive analytics and acceptance around best practices. You will see a mix of use-cases\, technical talks and workshops\, and you will walk away with actionable insights from those working on the frontlines of machine learning in the enterprise. All sessions will be recorded and available on demand for 2 weeks.' \nWHY ATTEND THE DSS MIAMI EXPERIENCE?\n\nMeet and connect with the most diverse community in the space\nImprove your data skills in 15+ engaging sessions\, including use-cases\, technical deep dives\, and panel conversations\nLearn from practitioners\, technical experts and executives what generative AI and machine learning mean to the enterprise\nAsk expert speakers questions in live Q&A sessions\nWalk away with actionable insights from those working on the frontlines of ML in the enterprise\nAccess all sessions on-demand until two weeks after the event URL: LOCATION:Mana Common\, 21 SE 1st Ave\, 8th Floor\, FL\, Miami\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: AM.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240925 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240927 DTSTAMP:20240531T110146 CREATED:20240531T072757Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240531T072757Z SUMMARY:Data2030 Summit DESCRIPTION:Data 2030 Summit is an annual round table event gathering the Data Management community in one place and platform to discuss ways of enabling faster Data Innovation and AI deployment across the enterprise by setting up a modern Data Management strategy\, platform & architecture for the new decade.' \nFor the past eight years\, the Data 2030 Summit has served as a remarkable knowledge-sharing and networking platform for data practitioners in the Nordics. Since 2020 the event has also been available to data practitioners in the APAC and MEA Region with dedicated regional editions.' \nPresentations from all previous events can be found on our media channel' \nWith 30+ international speakers on 3 stages (Data Strategy & Governance Stage\, Modern Data Platform Stage\, Data Architecture and Quality Stage) presenting interactive panel discussions and plenty of other learning and networking activities\, the 2024 edition of the summit is the place to be for all CDOs and data practitioners working with Information Management\, Data Governance\, Master Data Management\, Data Quality\, Enterprise Architecture and DataOps.' \nOn stage\, we are bringing some of the most forward-thinking Data Management practitioners of different positions and responsibilities in the department\, from both the private and public sector in the Nordics and beyond\, covering not only the most business-critical Data Management challenges but also the latest methodologies\, strategies and tools used by organizations to address those challenges. The program is divided into three stages each focusing on a specific topic. URL: LOCATION:Birger Jarl\, Stockholm\, Sweden ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240926T203000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20240927T170000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110146 CREATED:20240320T061226Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240320T061226Z SUMMARY:DMWF North America DESCRIPTION:#DMWF North America is making its return on 26-27 September 2024\, for a must-see conference and exhibition\, bringing together the brightest minds in digital marketing.' \nBack in New York for 2024\, we will be taking over the Marriott Marquis\, Time Square\, whereby 600+ Senior Marketing Professionals from the world's most reputable brands will come together to delve into diverse marketing topics. The event will serve as a platform to highlight the latest technologies\, strategies\, ideas\, and solutions in the field.' \n#DMWF North America will focus on key themes including; content marketing\, brand strategy\, social media marketing\, community management\, data\, disruptive tech\, UX\, CX\, AI\, SEO\, eCommerce\, personalisation\, customer loyalty\, emerging MarTech trends\, consumer behaviour\, digital transformation\, Chat GPT\, Metaverse\, influencer marketing and so much more.' \nThe unrivalled content will inspire\, inform\, and support marketers in being the best they can be! Over 50 inspiring speakers will be sharing their expertise across 10 brand new conference topics:' \n\nData\, CRM & Insights\nDigital Transformation & Leadership\nContent Marketing & Video\nSocial Media & Community Marketing\nCustomer Experience\, Email & Automation\neCommerce & Omnichannel Marketing\nMobile Marketing & Advertising\nDigital Brand & Communication Strategy\nInfluencer & Affiliate Marketing\nAI & Marketing Automation\n\n \nSpeakers at the forefront of their industry will be on hand to provide the guidance and essential skills marketers need to surpass their 2024 marketing goals and beyond.' \n#DMWF North America prides itself on its global brand speaker line-up and has united thought leaders from world renowned brands such as Meta\, Uber\, Spotify\, Google\, Coca-Cola\, Netflix\, Verizon\, GQ\, AT&T\, Astrazeneca\, IBM\, Amazon\, Ford\, Twitter\, Microsoft\, Tangle Teezer\, EDF and more!' \nWe're working on bringing you a great speaker line-up. Keep up to date with our latest announcements on our website here – \nWe have a range of sponsorship opportunities available which include 1-2-1 introductions\, speaking opportunities in-person & virtually\, guaranteed lead generation and content promotion. For more information contact the team today on and join our growing sponsorship community.' \nAttend the event with an all-access conference pass and get access to:' \n\nAll conference sessions on the agenda at DMWF North America\nExhibition floor\nLunch & refreshments\nNetworking drinks\nFull access to conference and networking app\n\n Our 2-Day All-access passes are available from just $319! \nJoin Senior Marketing Professionals for two days of top-level strategic content and digital marketing insights\, networking\, and discussions from the world's most reputable brands. Register for tickets today – \nFor more information on #DMWF North America 2024\, including details of how to attend\, exhibit or sponsor\, please visit \nRegister today and become part of a community with 600+ experienced marketing leaders worldwide. Gain inspiration\, elevate your marketing strategy\, and engage with pioneers shaping the future of digital marketing.' \nSee you there! URL: LOCATION:New York Marriott Marquis 1535 Broadway New York NY 10036\, New York\, United States\, New York Marriott Marquis 1535 Broadway New York NY 10036\, New York\, US ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: GEO:40.7585862;-73.9858202 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=New York Marriott Marquis 1535 Broadway New York NY 10036 New York United States New York Marriott Marquis 1535 Broadway New York NY 10036 New York US;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=New York Marriott Marquis 1535 Broadway New York NY 10036:geo:-73.9858202,40.7585862 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241001T203000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241002T153000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110148 CREATED:20231221T020405Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231221T020438Z SUMMARY:Cyber Security & Cloud Expo North Europe 2024 DESCRIPTION:Join us again at the Cyber Security & Cloud Expo Europe on 1-2 October 2024\, and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity and cloud technology.' \nTaking place at RAI Amsterdam\, this is a technology event and conference for the ambitious enterprise technology professional\, seeking to explore the latest innovations\, implementations\, and strategies to drive your businesses forward.' \nGain valuable insights from industry leaders\, network with experts\, and discover cutting-edge solutions to safeguard your organisation's digital assets.' \nDon't miss this premier event to enhance your knowledge\, expand your professional network\, and ensure your organisation's resilience in the face of emerging cyber threats.' \nWhat are the additional benefits you won't want to miss?' \n– VIP Networking Party' \n– Over 250 speakers' \n– Over 250 exhibitors showcasing the latest technology products and solutions' \n– 6 co-located events (AI & Big Data\, IoT\, Unified Communications\, Digital Transformation\, Cyber Security & Cloud and Intelligent Automation)' \n– 7\,000 attendees – 76% directory level' \nFind out more about the event and book your ticket here:' \n  URL: LOCATION:RAI Amsterdam\, Amsterdam\, The Netherlands\, RAI Amsterdam\, Amsterdam\, NL ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: GEO:52.3413201;4.888265 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=RAI Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands RAI Amsterdam Amsterdam NL;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=RAI Amsterdam:geo:4.888265,52.3413201 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241001T203000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241002T163000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110149 CREATED:20240116T003022Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240116T003023Z SUMMARY:Unified Communications Conference Europe DESCRIPTION:The upcoming co-located TechEx event series\, featuring the Unified Communications Conference\, is scheduled to take place on 1-2 October 2024 at RAI Amsterdam. Hosted in the heart Netherlands\, the event provides a conducive environment for meaningful engagement and collaboration.' \nThe Unified Communications Conference Europe will delve into essential topics such as Future Work\, User Experience (UX) Business Applications Integration\, Communication Platforms\, Workplace Collaboration\, and Security & Compliance. This event aims to explore the latest advancements and opportunities within the realm of Unified Communication.' \nAttendees will enjoy access to the Unified Communications Conference\, the expo floor\, and free tracks from collocated events\, providing a well-rounded experience for technology enthusiasts. The expo is tailored specifically for B2B engagement\, targeting directors and senior managers as its primary audience. This exclusive event provides attendees with the opportunity to delve into cutting-edge technologies\, forge connections with key industry figures\, and remain at the forefront of innovation.' \nWhat's more\, as a collocated event\, the Unified Communications Conference will converge with the TechEx event series\, offering attendees a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of Unified Communications alongside other cutting-edge technology domains including Cyber Security & Cloud\, AI & Big Data\, IoT\, Intelligent Automation\, and Digital Transformations. URL: LOCATION:RAI Amsterdam\, Amsterdam\, The Netherlands\, RAI Amsterdam\, Amsterdam\, NL ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: GEO:52.3413201;4.888265 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=RAI Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands RAI Amsterdam Amsterdam NL;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=RAI Amsterdam:geo:4.888265,52.3413201 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241001T210000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241002T160000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110150 CREATED:20231221T020102Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231221T020133Z SUMMARY:AI and Big Data Expo Europe 2024 DESCRIPTION:Book your free conference and expo ticket to AI and Big Data Expo Europe 2024 \nJoin us for one of the most anticipated technology events of the year\, the AI and Big Data Expo Europe 2024\, taking place from 1-2 October at the RAI\, Amsterdam. Immerse yourself in a dynamic environment where innovation converges with industry leaders\, cutting-edge technologies\, and invaluable insights.' \nEvent Highlights:' \n\n6 Co-Located Events:\n\n \nDive into a comprehensive exploration of AI and Big Data with six co-located events\, each tailored to provide in-depth insights into specific aspects of these transformative technologies.' \n\n7\,000+ Attendees:\n\n \nNetwork with over 7\,000 professionals\, thought leaders\, and enthusiasts from around the globe. Exchange ideas\, collaborate\, and forge connections that will shape the future of AI and Big Data.' \n\n200+ Speakers:\n\n \nGain profound knowledge from 200+ industry experts and visionaries who will share their insights\, experiences\, and forecasts. Be inspired by thought-provoking keynotes and panel discussions from companies such as Netflix\, IKEA\, The UN\, Deloitte\, and many more!' \n\nSenior level attendees:\n\n \nElevate your networking experience as 56% of attendees hold director-level positions or higher. Engage with decision-makers and influencers\, fostering meaningful connections for future collaborations.' \n\nThematic Tracks:\n\n \nExplore thematic tracks covering Enterprise AI\, Machine Learning\, Security\, Ethical AI\, Deep Learning\, Data Ecosystems\, and NLP and more. Tailor your experience to align with your specific interests and professional goals.' \n ‘ \nYour in-person ticket will also grant you access to the co-located events exploring IoT Tech\, Intelligent Automation\, Cyber Security & Cloud\, Unified Communications\, Edge Computing and Digital Transformation! Book yours here: \nExplore the Co-located AI & Big Data Expo conference agendas here covering Enterprise AI\, Applied Digital\, Data & AI\, Optimised Data & Analytics\, and Transformational AI here: \n#aiandbigdataexpo #AI #BigData #Innovation URL: LOCATION:RAI Amsterdam\, Europaplein 24\, 1078 GZ Amsterdam\, Netherland\, Amsterdam\, RAI Amsterdam\, Europaplein 24\, 1078 GZ Amsterdam\, Netherland\, Amsterdam ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: GEO:52.3413201;4.888265 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=RAI Amsterdam Europaplein 24 1078 GZ Amsterdam Netherland Amsterdam RAI Amsterdam Europaplein 24 1078 GZ Amsterdam Netherland Amsterdam;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=RAI Amsterdam\, Europaplein 24\, 1078 GZ Amsterdam\, Netherland:geo:4.888265,52.3413201 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241001T210000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241002T160000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110151 CREATED:20240111T101310Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240111T101310Z SUMMARY:Intelligent Automation Conference Europe DESCRIPTION:Join us at the RAI\, Amsterdam from 1-2 October\, 2024 to hear from the leading speakers in the Intelligent Automation sector.' \nExplore the forefront of Intelligent Automation and network with senior IA professionals & transform your operations. Learn more about creating unbiased algorithyms\, future trends\, RPA\, Cognitive Automation and more!' \nEvent Highlights:' \n\n6 Co-Located Events:\n\n \nDive into a comprehensive exploration of Intelligent Automation with seven co-located events\, each tailored to provide in-depth insights into specific aspects of these transformative technologies.' \n\n7\,000+ Attendees:\n\n \nNetwork with over 7\,000 professionals\, thought leaders\, and enthusiasts from around the globe. Exchange ideas\, collaborate\, and forge connections that will shape the future of Intelligent Automation.' \n\n200+ Speakers:\n\n \nGain profound knowledge from 200+ industry experts and visionaries who will share their insights\, experiences\, and forecasts. Be inspired by thought-provoking keynotes and panel discussions from companies such as Google\, NASA\, Ford\, LinkedIn\, Amazon and many more!' \n\nSenior level attendees:\n\n \nElevate your networking experience as 73% of attendees hold director-level positions or higher. Engage with decision-makers and influencers\, fostering meaningful connections for future collaborations.' \n\nThematic Tracks:\n\n \nExplore thematic tracks covering a range of Intelligent Automation topics and tailor your experience to align with your specific interests and professional goals.' \nYour in-person ticket will also grant you access to the co-located events exploring IoT Tech\, Intelligent Automation\, Cyber Security & Cloud\, Unified Communications\, Edge Computing and Digital Transformation! Book yours here:' \n  URL: LOCATION:RAI Amsterdam\, Europaplein 24\, Amsterdam\, North Holland\, 1078 GZ\, Netherlands ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241001T210000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241002T170000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110152 CREATED:20231221T020709Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231221T020738Z SUMMARY:IoT Tech Expo Europe DESCRIPTION:IoT Tech Expo Europe is returning to Amsterdam!' \nBook your conference and expo ticket to IoT Tech Expo Europe which is set to explore what's new and worth attention in the latest innovations within the Internet of Things and covering Manufacturing\, Transport\, Health\, Logistics\, Government\, Energy and Automotive\, this conference is not to be missed! \nJoin us in-person in the RAI Amsterdam Conversion Centre on 1-2 October 2024 to hear from our industry leading speakers and many more!' \nYour ticket will also grant you access to the co-located events exploring Intelligent Automation\, Cyber Security & Cloud Expo World Series\, AI & Big Data Expo\, Unified Communications\, Edge Computing Expo and Digital Transformation Week!' \nIn the past\, agenda items included:' \nStaying on Track with Digital Twins'\nExamining the Current IoT Security Landscape'\nMachine Learning for the Ultimate IIoT Infrastructure'\nImplementing IoT inside the Aircraft'\nPresentation: The Cognitive City'\nKyiv Digital Connecting Communities in a Time of War'\nAI Opportunities in 5G \nBuilding a Robust Cyber Security Strategy\,'\nLocking Down Intelligent Building Security'\nHow IoT Devices and Data Platforms Build Better Consumer Value and Loyalty' \nBook your tickets here: \n#IoTTechExpo #IoT #data #InternetofThings #technologies #technologiesevent' \nFind out more and register here: \n  URL: LOCATION:RAI Amsterdam\, Europaplein 24\, 1078 GZ Amsterdam\, Netherland\, Amsterdam\, RAI Amsterdam\, Europaplein 24\, 1078 GZ Amsterdam\, Netherland\, Amsterdam ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: GEO:52.3413201;4.888265 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=RAI Amsterdam Europaplein 24 1078 GZ Amsterdam Netherland Amsterdam RAI Amsterdam Europaplein 24 1078 GZ Amsterdam Netherland Amsterdam;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=RAI Amsterdam\, Europaplein 24\, 1078 GZ Amsterdam\, Netherland:geo:4.888265,52.3413201 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241003 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241004 DTSTAMP:20240531T110153 CREATED:20240527T071510Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240527T071510Z SUMMARY:8th Middle East Enterprise AI & Analytics Summit DESCRIPTION:Aligned with Qatar's Vision 2030\, the country is committed to transforming its business landscape by integrating advanced technologies for economic diversification\, pledging 9 billion QAR in incentives for AI\, technology\, and innovation programs. Enterprises must identify use cases and adopt AI and data analytics to enhance customer experience\, boost productivity\, generate revenue\, optimize costs\, and manage risks and fraud.' \nHowever\, there is a significant disparity in AI adoption and maturity across organizations\, highlighting the need for dialogue among industry leaders to advance toward intelligent enterprises. The 8th Middle East Enterprise AI & Analytics Summit & Awards 2024\, Qatar Edition\, will provide a critical networking platform for exchanging vital information to address challenges and seize technological opportunities.' \nJoin us for a day of impactful live discussions on executive strategies and best practices in AI and data analytics. This summit will foster a culture of innovation and data-driven decision-making\, leading to positive business outcomes. Don't miss out-register today to gain valuable industry insights on integrating AI and analytics! URL: LOCATION:Doha Marriott Hotel\, Doha\, Qatar\, Doha Marriott Hotel\, Doha\, QA ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: GEO:25.3248696;51.5280998 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Doha Marriott Hotel Doha Qatar Doha Marriott Hotel Doha QA;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=Doha Marriott Hotel:geo:51.5280998,25.3248696 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241008 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241009 DTSTAMP:20240531T110153 CREATED:20240301T034241Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240301T034241Z SUMMARY:Quant Strats Europe 2024 DESCRIPTION:Be a part of the next quant revolution!' \nOn the 8th of October 2024\, at the Convene 22 Bishopsgate\, London the Quant Strats community reconvenes. Quant Strats Europe will bring together over 250 leaders to share their expertise on every step of the investment lifecycle\, from data sourcing teams to pure quants\, to those at the forefront of portfolio decision making\, with something for everyone.' \nWe will be delving into pertinent topics such as the process behind selecting and digesting vast amounts of data into your organisation\, exploring the potential applications AI\, ML\, NLP and LLMs for financial markets\, prospecting alternative asset classes for potential alpha generation and a deep dive into constructing an assembling a high performing team and constructing a robust portfolio.' \nHaving a unique audience\, with the buy side constituting 60% of our audience\, alongside the biggest investment banks in the world\, this event provides unparalleled content\, speakers and networking opportunities with the foremost minds from across the Quantitative Investment landscape.' \nSign up here today to join the 250+ quantitative investment experts: \nUse our exclusive discount code to receive 20% off tickets: DFQS20 URL: LOCATION:Convene 22 Bishopsgate\, 22 Bishopsgate\, London EC2N 4BQ\, London\, United Kingdom ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241009T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241010T170000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110154 CREATED:20240516T080637Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240516T080637Z SUMMARY:Big Data & AI World Asia 2024 DESCRIPTION:Big Data & AI World Asia is the premier destination for data and AI innovators\, technologists\, and business leaders.' \nIf you are responsible for developing\, implementing\, or maintaining your organisation's data\, AI\, analytics strategy\, infrastructure\, and data governance initiatives\, you have to attend Big Data & AI World Asia on 9-10th October 2024 to meet Asia's data community.' \nWe are one of the largest Big Data & AI events in Asia where IT professionals can learn from industry thought leaders\, network with peers\, seek advice\, and evaluate the latest solutions and services to help shape the future of their business.' \nEnjoy >200 hours of content across three conference theatres that will educate and inspire you\, including workshops and discussions that will cover current trends such as Hyperpersonalisation\, Conversational & Generative AI\, Advanced Analytics\, Data Strategy\, and Decision Intelligence to keep you ahead of the game. Visit our website for more information on our conference theatres. URL: LOCATION:Sands Expo & Convention Centre\, Singapore ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241015T210000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20241017T170000 DTSTAMP:20240531T110154 CREATED:20231218T025005Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231218T030253Z SUMMARY:CDAO Fall 2024 DESCRIPTION:Join us for Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO)\, Fall 2024! This 3-day event will take place on October 15-17\, 2024\, at the Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston\, MA!' \nAlong with the three-day event is The Corinium Awards Gala! Coming to you live at Chief Data & Analytics Officer\, Fall on the night of October 16th is the 2nd Annual Corinium Awards Gala.' \nThe Corinium Awards Gala is the data & analytics community's black-tie affair where guests will experience:' \n\nRed carpet entrance\nSpirited conversations with movers and shakers in the data and analytics space\nCelebratory meal and drinks\n\n \nClaim your space along the red carpet and purchase your ticket to join your Data & Analytics peers at the social event of the season! Register for The Corinium Awards Gala here: \nTo register for CDAO Fall\, visit: Use promo code: DATAFLOQ for 30% discount.' \n#CDAOFall' \n  URL: LOCATION:Marriott Copley Place\, Boston\, Massachusetts\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241023 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241025 DTSTAMP:20240531T110154 CREATED:20240531T072737Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240531T072737Z SUMMARY:NDSML Summit DESCRIPTION:The Nordic Data Science and Machine Learning Summit is a hybrid annual event bringing together the Data Science and Machine Learning community in the Nordics to share ideas and discuss ways to harness the full potential of Advanced Analytics and AI as well as explore the development and the maturity of Data Science and AI as a function.' \nWith 40+ domestic and international speakers on stage\, interactive panel discussions\, workshops and plenty of learning and networking activities in the exhibition area\, the Nordic Data Science and Machine Learning Summit is the place to be for all professionals and organizations working with the utilization of Data Science\, Machine and Deep Learning to innovate and improve their business.' \nOn this Re-Imagined 8th edition\, during the two main conference days\, 400+ delegates will have the opportunity to choose between three super insightful and interactive tracks including Strategy + Applied Analytics\, Machine Learning & MLOps\, and Infrastructure + Data Engineering.' \nThe Nordic Data Science and Machine Learning Summit's mission has always been to support the Data Science & Machine Learning community and provide insights into the latest challenges\, trends\, solutions and opportunities.' \nDon't miss the opportunity to be a part of the exclusive event of the year for the Data Science & Machine Learning Community. URL: LOCATION:Sergel Hub\, Stockholm\, Sweden ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241106 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241108 DTSTAMP:20240531T110155 CREATED:20240214T092608Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240214T230412Z SUMMARY:Generative AI for Automotive USA DESCRIPTION:Generative AI technology is disrupting the way vehicles are designed\, manufactured\, and experienced. According to leading vehicle manufacturers\, the biggest levers for Generative AI technology are to Accelerate EV and AV Product Development\, Optimize Vehicle Design\, Process Automation and Reduce Cost.' \nThe entire automotive industry is under severe pressure to reduce cost and increase efficiency\, and by using Generative AI\, carmakers will have the potential to bring down material costs and weight of vehicle components. While Generative AI has the potential to be a game-changer for the industry by revolutionizing the way automotive companies operate\, the technology presents several known and unknown risks\, including ethical\, data privacy and security concerns that need to be carefully managed.' \nWe're inviting you to get inspired by vehicle manufacturers\, start-ups & innovators that have successfully implemented GenAI projects – hear from them as they spark new ideas\, share do's and don'ts\, and give you and your teams the chance to learn what can truly be achieved by unleashing the ground-breaking capabilities of Generative AI technologies.' \nJoin us in November 2024 as the sell-out Generative AI for Automotive event crosses the Atlantic! To download the programme\, click the button below or email the Automotive IQ team on and we'll be in touch.' \nKiera Jansen'\nProject Lead – Automotive IQ URL: LOCATION:TBC\, Detroit\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR