analytics Archives | Datafloq Data and Technology Insights Mon, 27 May 2024 07:15:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 analytics Archives | Datafloq 32 32 8th Middle East Enterprise AI & Analytics Summit Wed, 02 Oct 2024 22:00:00 +0000 Aligned with Qatar's Vision 2030, the country is committed to transforming its business landscape by integrating advanced technologies for economic diversification, pledging 9 billion QAR in incentives for AI, technology, […]

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Aligned with Qatar's Vision 2030, the country is committed to transforming its business landscape by integrating advanced technologies for economic diversification, pledging 9 billion QAR in incentives for AI, technology, and innovation programs. Enterprises must identify use cases and adopt AI and data analytics to enhance customer experience, boost productivity, generate revenue, optimize costs, and manage risks and fraud.'

However, there is a significant disparity in AI adoption and maturity across organizations, highlighting the need for dialogue among industry leaders to advance toward intelligent enterprises. The 8th Middle East Enterprise AI & Analytics Summit & Awards 2024, Qatar Edition, will provide a critical networking platform for exchanging vital information to address challenges and seize technological opportunities.'

Join us for a day of impactful live discussions on executive strategies and best practices in AI and data analytics. This summit will foster a culture of innovation and data-driven decision-making, leading to positive business outcomes. Don't miss out-register today to gain valuable industry insights on integrating AI and analytics!

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Data-Driven Connectivity: The Telecom Revolution Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:08:07 +0000 In the fast-paced world of telecommunications, staying ahead requires more than just reliable connections. Telecom analytics, the strategic use of data to make informed decisions, has emerged as a game-changer. […]

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In the fast-paced world of telecommunications, staying ahead requires more than just reliable connections. Telecom analytics, the strategic use of data to make informed decisions, has emerged as a game-changer. In this blog post, we delve into the profound impact of telecom analytics on business connectivity, showcasing how data-driven decision-making is shaping the future.

The Problem/Challenge Business Encounter

Traditionally, businesses grappled with connectivity challenges due to limited data. For example, relying on call data alone made it difficult to understand customer usage patterns, leading to inflexible and inefficient service offerings. This limited data hindered effective decision-making, resulting in inefficiencies in operations, subpar customer experiences, and missed growth opportunities. The need for a transformative solution was evident, paving the way for the rise of telecom analytics.

The Solution: Telecom Analytics

Telecom analytics involves the collection, analysis, and visualization of data, offering a comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by businesses. By partnering with a company that develops software for telecom companies, organizations can leverage state-of-the-art tools and expertise to:

  • Optimize their networks: Identify and resolve network issues, leading to improved performance and reliability.
  • Predict customer churn: Anticipate customer loss and take proactive action to retain valuable customers.
  • Execute personalized marketing campaigns: Tailor offerings and promotions based on individual customer needs and preferences.

This newfound capability empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, fostering a more agile and responsive operational environment.

The Benefits of Data-Driven Connectivity

The advantages of leveraging telecom analytics are manifold, impacting various aspects of business operations:

  • Increased operational efficiency and cost reduction: Streamline processes and identify areas for cost savings.
  • Elevated customer experience and satisfaction: Provide personalized services and address customer needs more effectively.
  • More informed decisions: Make data-backed choices for better strategic planning and resource allocation.
  • Uncovered new revenue opportunities and market insights: Identify untapped markets and develop targeted offerings based on data-driven insights.

The era of data-driven connectivity is synonymous with heightened competitiveness and sustainable growth.

The Future of Telecom Analytics

Looking ahead, the future of telecom analytics is even brighter. Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data are poised to play pivotal roles, unlocking new dimensions of insights and efficiency. As these technologies advance, businesses can anticipate:

  • More sophisticated applications in network management: AI can automate tasks, allowing for faster response times and improved resource allocation.
  • Advanced predictive analytics: Machine learning can identify complex patterns and predict future trends with greater accuracy.
  • Enhanced personalized services: Big data enables the creation of highly personalized offerings tailored to individual customer needs.

These advancements solidify telecom analytics as a cornerstone of the industry, driving innovation and shaping the future of connectivity.


The telecom revolution is in full swing, fueled by the transformative power of data-driven connectivity. Businesses that embrace telecom analytics gain a competitive edge by turning data into actionable insights. As we navigate the evolving landscape of telecommunications, the future looks promising, with innovation and connectivity going hand in hand. Take the first step towards a connected future – schedule a consultation with a telecom analytics expert today to learn how to leverage data-driven insights for your business.

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Is Our Education System Optimizing For The Wrong Outcomes? Tue, 13 Feb 2024 15:33:29 +0000 I have come to the conclusion that we're not optimizing for the right outcomes as we move students through today's educational system. In any endeavor, we have goals and we […]

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I have come to the conclusion that we're not optimizing for the right outcomes as we move students through today's educational system. In any endeavor, we have goals and we have constraints we face when pursuing those goals. Given the constraints, how we choose to optimize our effort toward meeting our goals has a huge impact on the actions we take and the outcomes we achieve.

In this post, I'll outline where I think we're getting it wrong … causing us to churn out a lot of graduates who don't necessarily have the skills they need to succeed in the real world. While my observations are based on my knowledge of the discipline of data science and my personal experience in the business world, I believe that the same concerns apply much more broadly.

Some Real-World Examples To Illustrate The Problem

A year ago, I was stuck in an airport due to a flight delay. There was a group of 6 – 7 students from a highly respected university that is universally considered a “top tier” institution. As a result, the grades and test scores required to gain admission mean that only the highest achievers will be accepted. I ended up chatting with the students for 15 or 20 minutes and they all seemed genuinely nice and bright.

After we moved on, I turned to my travel partner and commented that while they seemed nice and smart, there was only one that I would consider hiring. Most of the students were awkward, didn't make much eye contact when talking, and didn't exude any level of confidence in a social setting. I certainly couldn't have put them in front of a client or an internal executive.

In another instance I was watching a high school sports award ceremony. Multiple team members went on stage for their awards and smiled, shook hands with the coach, and faced the audience for pictures. Then the student who received the “best grades” award walked up with his eyes down, did a limp and brief handshake with the coach, and then stared at the ground for the picture. Like the students in the airport, he was awkward and didn't exude any level of social confidence even though his grades and, presumably, test scores were top notch.

These Weren't Isolated Instances – They Are A Product Of Today's System

The above examples didn't happen by chance, and I've seen similar situations many times. The students in the examples are what we are optimizing for. With our massive focus on grades and test scores, we reward students who do what it takes to maximize their grades and test scores. In their eagerness to succeed, many students fail to focus on being well rounded and learning to interact with others. While we push students to optimize their grades, we simultaneously and unintentionally push many of them to stunt their growth in other areas like social skills and emotional intelligence. I often see teenagers sitting together but not talking. They are on their phones constantly and sometimes even messaging those right next to them via their phone instead of talking to them directly.

If we optimize for grades and test scores, we'll graduate students who have great grades and test scores, but who don't necessarily develop those other traits. Worse, many of those students may not even recognize that those traits are necessary and desirable once they hit the workforce. One of the most common topics raised by analytics and data science executives on my webcast is the fact even in a highly technical field like data science, things like soft skills, communication skills, and emotional intelligence are critical for success. They are also hard to find since so many people in our field are focused purely on the technical aspects of our work.

How Do We Fix It?

I doubt we can go back to the days when an in-person interview was part of a university admission process, but there are steps we can take. Some time ago, I talked about the idea of apprenticeships for technical fields. Those would take place outside of, but alongside, a student's academic program. However, there are steps that schools and universities of all levels can take to help produce more well-rounded students. A few ideas:

  • Require team-based project courses starting even before high school so that students learn to work with others effectively in a team environment.
  • Require students to present and explain their work, both in writing and verbally, to their peers, teachers, and others in the community in a variety of settings.
  • Make joining clubs, playing sports, or other group social activities a requirement rather than an option.
  • Teach courses focused on 1) communicating effectively, 2) listening to, and understanding, the viewpoints of others from different fields and with different skills, and 3) handling and managing conflict.
  • Stress to students that while grades and test scores are important, they aren't the only goals they should focus on in school or in life.

I like to think that progress is being made. I know that at our program at Kennesaw State University, we push experiential learning and have some innovative courses – both released and under development – that focus heavily on those soft skills. But, we still have a long way to go as does most of today's educational system.

Perhaps what's needed most is for the customers of the education system – employers, parents, and students – to ask for change. As long as we allow educational success to be focused mostly on maximizing grades and test scores, we'll continue to often achieve a local maximum of student preparedness for the real world rather than a more well-rounded global maximum. Students and their careers would be well served if we change the outcomes we optimize for.

Originally posted in the Analytics Matters newsletter on LinkedIn

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Leveraging Kubernetes for Cost-Efficient Analytics: Building on Cloud Platforms Wed, 17 Jan 2024 11:01:04 +0000 Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all analytics solutions. Today's tech landscape calls for a more dynamic, cost-conscious approach. Bridging the gap between theory and practice, this article pivots from the […]

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Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all analytics solutions. Today's tech landscape calls for a more dynamic, cost-conscious approach. Bridging the gap between theory and practice, this article pivots from the conventional analytics platform debate to a hands-on guide for harnessing the power of Kubernetes in creating a budget-friendly and high-performing analytics environment. We're focusing on practical, impactful strategies that mold cloud analytics to fit not just your financial constraints but also the unique tempo of your business data, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck in the world of cloud analytics. We'll also explore how Kubernetes, as part of the modern analytic stack, provides a powerful alternative to proprietary cloud services, promoting cost-efficiency and agility in analytics operations.

Choosing the Right Hosting Model

The hosting model you pick can make or break the bank in analytics. Each hosting model for analytic databases has unique cost implications. Here's a snapshot of the options:

  • ‘Buy the Box' Model: Ideal for unpredictable customer analytics. It offers cost-effective computing but tends to have higher storage costs due to block storage usage.
  • Snowflake's Virtual Data Warehouse Model: This model suits enterprises looking for a comprehensive, all-in-one analytics solution. It's known for higher compute costs but offers a robust, general-purpose database.
  • BigQuery's On-Demand Query Model: BigQuery is particularly cost-effective for sporadic query loads but can become expensive with extensive data scans. Its on-demand nature makes it suitable for varying analytic demands.

If you're interested in reading a more detailed analysis of the cost structure and dynamics of each model, especially regarding compute expenses, you should check out this Hackernoon feature published by Altinity Inc.

How to Get a Good Deal on Cloud Analytics: Advanced Cost-Optimization Strategies

A reasonable cloud analytics pricing should be affordable and scalable in line with your business growth. It should be devoid of charges for unused resources and free of hidden costs like data transfer fees. Beyond the basic platform choices, the following advanced strategies can help in optimizing your cloud expenses:

  • Decouple and Scale: Opt for services that offer separate storage and compute to ensure flexible scaling and cost management, especially critical for persistent analytics workloads.
  • Compressed Storage Billing: Choose providers like Snowflake and ClickHouse that bill for compressed storage, allowing you to harness cost efficiencies. If you are not quite familiar with Clickhouse then check out this gentle introduction.
  • Query Optimization: On platforms like BigQuery, refine your query design to minimize data scans, which can lead to significant cost savings.
  • Hybrid Storage: Employ a blend of block and object storage solutions to strike the right balance between performance and cost.
  • Auto-Scaling: Utilize auto-scaling compute resources to align performance with the ebb and flow of your operational demands without overspending.
  • Economical Long-Term Storage: For seldom-accessed data, turn to cost-saving long-term storage options like Amazon Glacier or Google Coldline.
  • Negotiate Discounts: Proactively seek out discounts for substantial monthly expenditures, focusing on compute resources where possible.
  • Leverage Marketplaces: Make purchases through cloud marketplaces to potentially reduce overall costs in line with your service agreements.

How to Get an Even Better Deal: Build with Open-Source

When default cloud services don't quite fit the bill, for example, when you need a GDPR-compliant analytics solution, a custom Kubernetes-based approach is a smarter strategic pivot. This method forms the foundation of what's called a Modern Analytics Stack, which is highly adaptable for stringent compliance and specific operational demands.

You can harness Kubernetes, a powerhouse for orchestrating containerized applications, to construct a robust, scalable foundation for your modern analytics stack. This isn't just about infrastructure; it's about crafting a toolset that bends to your will, not the other way around. By using open-source databases optimized for specific tasks, such as ClickHouse for real-time analytics, you can tailor your stack to your application's requirements.

Step 1: Choose Managed Kubernetes

Jumpstart your journey with a managed Kubernetes service. It's like having a team of experts running the background operations so you can concentrate on your app. And it's affordable – take Amazon EKS, which is about $72 a month.

Step 2: Select the Right Database

Next, you're selecting an open-source database. For analyzing data on the fly, ClickHouse is your go-to. It's purpose-built for speed and efficiency, especially if you're dealing with real-time data.

Step 3: Use a Kubernetes Operator

Now, you're choosing the right tool for the job, ensuring your database can keep up with the speed of your data. With Kubernetes, managing your database becomes a breeze when you utilize an operator. Time to meet the Altinity Operator for ClickHouse on GitHub. This isn't just a tool; it's your command center for database deployment and maintenance. You just feed it a simple YAML file – a set of instructions – and it sets up your database just like that.

Step 4: Set Up Observability

Monitoring and observability aren't just afterthoughts. You integrate Prometheus to keep tabs on your operations and Grafana to visualize the story your data tells. They work together to let you see what's happening under the hood of your app, with detailed graphs and real-time data.

Step 5: Implement GitOps with Argo CD

Argo CD is your bridge between the code in your GitHub and your live app. With Argo CD, you're not just deploying code; you're deploying confidence. Your infrastructure becomes as manageable as a git repository. It takes your changes and updates your app across Kubernetes clusters automatically or with a simple command.

And that is it! You've got a modern, agile analytics stack. It's a setup that's easy to change, easy to scale, and easy to keep an eye on – all while being light on your wallet. Plus, with tools like Argo CD, you can update your app with just a push to GitHub. Following these steps, you're not just building a stack; you're architecting a solution. Kubernetes‘ adaptability meets the precision of open-source tools, all orchestrated through the rhythm of GitOps.

In short, this is a cost-effective, scalable way to build an analytics app that grows with you, powered by the community-driven innovation of Kubernetes and ClickHouse.

We have an excellent hands-on demo by Robert Hodges showcased in the webinar which this article is derived from. If you're specifically interested to see the demo, then go straight to the timestamp 40:30 😉


Kubernetes might seem daunting, but it's actually a clear-cut way to a solid app foundation. Managed services like Amazon EKS streamline its complexity. ClickHouse excels in real-time analytics, and with the ClickHouse Operator, deployment becomes a breeze. Tools like Prometheus and Grafana give you a window into your system's health, while Argo CD and GitOps practices link your codebase directly to deployment, automating updates across environments.

If you hit a snag or need to expand your stack, Altinity's ClickHouse support and the Altinity.Cloud platform offer the guidance and resources to simplify the process, ensuring your project's success with less hassle.

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Wellsite Automation, IoT & AI Middle East Congress Sun, 28 Apr 2024 22:00:00 +0000 Onshore Wellsite Automation & AI Congress Middle East 30 April – 1 May, 2024′ Workshops 2 May, 2024' Abu Dhabi, UAE & Live Streamed Online' Discover real-world success stories highlighting […]

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Onshore Wellsite Automation & AI Congress Middle East

30 April – 1 May, 2024′
Workshops 2 May, 2024'

Abu Dhabi, UAE & Live Streamed Online'

Discover real-world success stories highlighting the transformative power of cost-effective automation in revitalising ageing facilities and explore integrated systems and real-time monitoring technologies to ensure optimum operations and performance at LBCG's Onshore Wellsite Automation & AI Congress Middle East, 29 April – 2 May, 2024 – Abu Dhabi.'

The Congress brings together Automation, IIoT, Digitalization, I&E, SCADA and Operations Technology practitioners from E&Ps including ADNOC, Saudi Aramco, Transatlantic Petroleum, BP, Gulf Drilling International, RAKGas, Saudi Chevron Phillips and more sharing insights to gain a clear understanding of current technologies, protocols, and strategies essential for successfully adopting these systems. Register with discount code DF15 to claim a 15% discount off standard or early bird pricing on in-person or live stream attendance Find out more:

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Data Innovation Summit MEA Thu, 09 May 2024 18:00:00 +0000 The Data Innovation Summit is the largest and the most influential annual Data and AI event, bringing together the most innovative minds, enterprise practitioners, technology providers, start-up innovators, and academics, […]

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The Data Innovation Summit is the largest and the most influential annual Data and AI event, bringing together the most innovative minds, enterprise practitioners, technology providers, start-up innovators, and academics, working with Applied Data Innovation, Data Science, Big Data, ML, Applied AI, Generative AI, Data Management, Data Engineering, Architecture, Databases, and IoT, in one place to discuss ways to accelerate AI-Driven Transformation throughout companies, industries and public organizations and maximize value from data and AI in the age of applied and generative AI.'

Through our events in Stockholm, Dubai, Singapore, and Melbourne, and our media channel, we help organizations across the world navigate through the technology hype and find practical ways to accelerate their advanced analytical capabilities and stay competitive in the Digital and AI Economy.'

Data Innovation Summit MEA is constructed so it equally addresses all the elements of data-driven and AI-innovative business: data, people, processes, and technology. The event is built to be both business and technical, practical and inspirational, realistic and futuristic, educational and exciting, regional and global, live and digital, general and niched, inspiring and influential. It showcases some of the best data-driven innovative projects, products, business ideas, and technologies, presented by some of the most advanced and innovative organizations in the world.

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CDAO Fall 2024 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Join us for Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO), Fall 2024! This 3-day event will take place on October 15-17, 2024, at the Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston, MA!' […]

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Join us for Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO), Fall 2024! This 3-day event will take place on October 15-17, 2024, at the Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston, MA!'

Along with the three-day event is The Corinium Awards Gala! Coming to you live at Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Fall on the night of October 16th is the 2nd Annual Corinium Awards Gala.'

The Corinium Awards Gala is the data & analytics community's black-tie affair where guests will experience:'

  • Red carpet entrance
  • Spirited conversations with movers and shakers in the data and analytics space
  • Celebratory meal and drinks

Claim your space along the red carpet and purchase your ticket to join your Data & Analytics peers at the social event of the season! Register for The Corinium Awards Gala here:

To register for CDAO Fall, visit: Use promo code: DATAFLOQ for 30% discount.'



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CDAO Government 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Join us for the highly anticipated Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO), Government, taking place on September 17-19, 2024, at Convene, in Washington D.C.!' Speakers will share insights into the […]

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Join us for the highly anticipated Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO), Government, taking place on September 17-19, 2024, at Convene, in Washington D.C.!'

Speakers will share insights into the solutions needed to deal with the most pressing challenges facing the data & analytics community in the Government and Public Sector.'

Data & analytics are constantly evolving and require your team to be agile in every way possible. Discover the latest trends and solutions providers to help you and your team to navigate unchartered territory.'

A unique opportunity to interact with industry leaders, influential technologists, and data scientists paving the way in the data and analytics space. Learn from & connect with 100+ industry innovators sharing best practices and advice to improve data and analytics strategy

Who should attend:'

  • CDAOs, CDOs, CAOs, CTOs, CIOs, CEOs
  • Data Scientists
  • Data Engineers
  • Data & Analytics Leaders

What to expect:'

  • 40+ speakers
  • Panel Discussions
  • Discussion Groups
  • Access to presentation slides
  • Discover technology shaping the future

To register, visit: Use promo code: DATAFLOQ for 30% discount.'



The post CDAO Government 2024 appeared first on Datafloq.

CDAO Canada Public Sector 2024 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Join us for the highly anticipated Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO), Canada Public Sector, taking place on June 4-5, 2024, in Ottawa, Canada' Speakers will share insights into the […]

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Join us for the highly anticipated Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO), Canada Public Sector, taking place on June 4-5, 2024, in Ottawa, Canada'

Speakers will share insights into the solutions needed to deal with the most pressing challenges facing the data & analytics community in the Canadian Government and Public Sector.'

Data & analytics are constantly evolving and require your team to be agile in every way possible. Discover the latest trends and solutions providers to help you and your team to navigate unchartered territory.'

A unique opportunity to interact with industry leaders, influential technologists, and data scientists paving the way in the data and analytics space. Learn from & connect with 100+ industry innovators sharing best practices and advice to improve data and analytics strategy

Who should attend:'

  • CDAOs, CDOs, CAOs, CTOs, CIOs, CEOs
  • Data Scientists
  • Data Engineers
  • Data & Analytics Leaders

What to expect:'

  • 40+ speakers
  • Panel Discussions
  • Discussion Groups
  • Access to presentation slides
  • Discover technology shaping the future

To register, visit: Use promo code: DATAFLOQ for 30% discount'



The post CDAO Canada Public Sector 2024 appeared first on Datafloq.

CDAO Spring 2024 Tue, 30 Apr 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Join us for Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO), Spring 2024, happening on April 30 – May 1, 2024, in San Francisco, California.' Discover how advances in Data, Analytics, AI […]

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Join us for Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO), Spring 2024, happening on April 30 – May 1, 2024, in San Francisco, California.'

Discover how advances in Data, Analytics, AI & Machine Learning tools, and techniques are transforming business intelligence from the world's leading innovators across the industry. Speakers will share insights into recent technical breakthroughs and cutting-edge applications in the Data and Analytics landscape.'

Learn about how Data and Analytics can facilitate the delivery of efficient and effective digital transformation, reduce costs and increase competitiveness via applications in risk management, regulatory compliance, data monitoring, and governance.'

This a unique opportunity to interact with industry leaders, influential technologists, data scientists & founders leading the Data and Analytics revolution. Learn from & connect with industry innovators and regulators sharing best practices and advice to improve regulatory compliance, data strategy, and risk.'

Who should attend:'

  • CDAOs, CDAs, CDOs
  • Data Scientists
  • Data Engineers
  • Heads of Compliance
  • Policy Makers
  • Data Architects
  • Regulators

What to expect:'

  • 30 speakers
  • Leading technologists & innovators
  • Group brainstorming sessions
  • 10+ hours of networking
  • Access to key insights shaping the Data & Analytics space
  • Discover technology leading the future

To register, visit: Use promo code DATAFLOQ for 30% discount.'



The post CDAO Spring 2024 appeared first on Datafloq.
